For our latest news updates, please visit the News section of our website.
If you’d like to be added to our press release distribution list or receive our events listings information, please email the press office.
If you’re looking for someone to talk about science, curiosity, education or something else entirely, we’ve got a fantastic range of experience within our teams, so can provide spokespeople for TV and radio interviews.
In the past some of our spokespeople have covered everything from lunar eclipses to the science of dunking biscuits to Neanderthal speed-dating (really). No request is too strange and we’re happy to help out!
We’ve got some great locations for filming and photography in our exhibition and outdoor spaces, including our Planetarium, venue floor, second floor rooftop space with views of the city and outside squares - as well as all sorts of unusual exhibits!
You can download full filming and photography (including costs, options, and tips for making the most of your time) information below.

David Attenborough - filming inside our Planetarium for 'David Attenborough's Natural Curiosities', produced by Humble Bee Films. They were filming a piece about how dung beetles use the night sky to navigate. Image credit: Jennifer Garrett
Filming we've hosted includes:
- David Attenbourough's Natural Curiosities (Humble Bee films)
- BBC 4's Secrets of the Super Elements (BBC Four Science)
- ITV Saturday Night Takeaway
- BBC Breakfast
- BBC News at One
- BBC News at Six
- BBC 1 Saturday Kitchen
- BBC Points West
- ITV Westcountry
Download filming and photography guidelines for We The Curious
We work with a range of photographers, many thanks to the following photographers below, who have contributed their images to this website and our image bank.
Ailsa Fineron
Ben Bisek, Wilkonson Eyre -
Daniel Watkiss -
Florence Fox -
Freia Turland -
James Beck -
Jess Siggers -
Joe Meredith -
Lee Pullen -
Matt Boyle, Gravitywell -
Olu Osinoiki -
Paul Blakemore -
Paul Groom -
Simon Galloway -
Tom Griffiths -
Use of images by We The Curious
When taking and using images at We The Curious, we adhere to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the Data Protection Act 2018. You can read about this in our Privacy Policy, which details how we collect, use, disclose, transfer and store data.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy, how we handle and use data, or if you'd like any images regarding you to be removed from our systems.
Email or call 0117 915 1000.
Contact Communication Lead
If you want to visit We The Curious (which we highly recommend), require high resolution images, want to chat about filming, spokespeople, or would like to be added to our press release distribution list or receive our events listings information, please contact Jen Forster, Communications Lead.